Retrouvez ici les vidéos des six séances plénières (Martin Puchner, Jon McKenzie, Catherine Malabou, Judith Butler, Avital Ronell, Alphonso Lingis) ainsi que des interventions qui ont eu lieu lors des séances parallèles du colloque Théâtre, Performance, Philosophie (TPP 2014). Ces vidéos sont aussi disponibles sur la Chaîne Youtube du LaboLAPS.

Thursday, June 26th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Timothy Murray (Cornell University, USA)
Darren Gobert (York University, Toronto, Canada) – Mapping Interiors in Theatre and Philosophy
Paulo Filipe Monteiro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) – Wittgenstein and Performance Theory

Plenary Lecture
Thursday, June 26th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Keynote : Martin Puchner (Harvard University) « Scenes of Instruction »
Chair: Elisabeth Angel-Perez (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Respondent: Laura Cull (University of Surrey, UK)

A Public Reading and Discussion curated by Ben Hjorth
Thursday, June 26th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Cast: Antigone: Avital Ronell, Ismene sister of Antigone: Elisabeth Angel-Perez, Kreon king of Thebes: Judith Butler, Haimon son of Kreon & Eurydike: Karen Shimakawa, Eurydike wife of Kreon, mother of Haimon: Freddie Rokem, Teiresias blind prophet of Thebes, led by a boy: Opie Boero Imwinkelried, Guard: Timothy Murray, Messenger: Paul Monaghan, Chorus of old Theban Men: Laura Cull, Jon McKenzie, and conference audience, Nick a mute part, [always onstage, he measures things]: Ben Hjorth, John Ireland facilitate the post-reading discussion.

Thursday, June 26th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Flore Garcin-Marrou (Université Paris-Sorbonne) and Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès)
David Zerbib (Université de Paris 1-Sorbonne/HEAD-Genève) – La scène originaire du rapport entre philosophie, théâtre et performance
Jean-Christophe Goddard (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès) – Performer l’Anti-Narcisse. Rikbaktsá Descartes ou l’Indien

Plenary Lecture
Thursday, June 26th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Keynote: Jon McKenzie (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
« Ouiconsin Eidos: Performance, DesignLab, and Experimental Theory »
Chair: Anna Street (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Respondent: David Zerbib (Université de Paris 1-Sorbonne/HEAD-Genève)

Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Guizot (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Liliane Campos (Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, France)
Stephen Loo, Undine Sellbach (University of Tasmania, Australie) – The Grasshopper Cabaret: Performing philosophy at the limits of the human

Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Guizot (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Liliane Campos (Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, France)
Katrina Schaag (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) – Biological Plasticity and Performative Possibility

Plenary Lecture
Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Keynote: Catherine Malabou (Kingston University)
« Performance and Power: An Interrogation »
Chair: Geneviève Cohen-Cheminet (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Respondent: John Mullarkey (Kingston University, UK)

Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Laura Cull (University of Surrey, UK)
Yair Lipshitz (Tel Aviv University, Israel) – Playing with the King’s Two Bodies: Schmitt, Kantorowicz, and the Role of Theatricality
David Rudrum (University of Huddersfield, UK) – « To Act, To Do, and To Perform »: Cavell, Derrida, and the Performance of Performativity in Hamlet
Stuart Grant (Monash University, Melbourne, Australie) – From the Theatrical to the Performative in Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy

Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Isabelle Barbéris (Université Paris-Diderot)
Fabrice Bourlez (ESAD, Reims) – L’autre scène performative. Psychanalyse et gender studies : quitter la scène œdipienne sans rejoindre la société du spectacle et inventer de nouveaux maniements du transfert

Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Isabelle Barbéris (Université Paris-Diderot)
Muriel Plana, Gilles Jacinto (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès) – Jeune scène queer : performance, théâtralité, politique

Plenary Lecture
Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Keynote: Judith Butler (University of California at Berkeley)
When gesture becomes event
Chair: Julien Alliot, Flore Garcin-Marrou, Liza Kharoubi, Anna Street (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Respondent: Freddie Rokem (Tel Aviv University, Israel)

Plenary Lecture
Friday, June 27th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Keynote: Judith Butler (University of California at Berkeley)
When gesture becomes event
Chair: Julien Alliot, Flore Garcin-Marrou, Liza Kharoubi, Anna Street (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Respondent: Freddie Rokem (Tel Aviv University, Israel)

De Jacques Derrida à Avital Ronell 1/3
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Descartes (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Evelyne Grossman (Université Paris-Diderot)
Stéphane Hervé (Académie de Lille) – Performance et défaut de présence : le théâtre de la mise à l’épreuve

De Jacques Derrida à Avital Ronell 2/3
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Descartes (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Evelyne Grossman (Université Paris-Diderot)
Magdalena Marciniak (EHESS, Paris)– La pensée de Derrida dans le questionnement théorique anglo-américain sur le théâtre et la performance

De Jacques Derrida à Avital Ronell 3/3
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Descartes (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Evelyne Grossman (Université Paris-Diderot)
Flore Garcin-Marrou (Université Paris-Sorbonne) – Comment Avital Ronell performe-t-elle la pensée ? Manifeste pour une philo-performance.

Plenary Lecture
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Avital Ronell (New York University)
« Ach! The History of a Complaint »
Chair: Anne Dufourmantelle (Institut des Hautes Etudes en Psychanalyse, Paris)
Respondent: Alice Lagaay (Universität Bremen, Allemagne)

Plenary Lecture
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Avital Ronell (New York University)
« Ach! The History of a Complaint »
Chair: Anne Dufourmantelle (Institut des Hautes Etudes en Psychanalyse, Paris)
Respondent: Alice Lagaay (Universität Bremen, Allemagne)

Uncomfortable Performances
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Chair: Paul Monaghan (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Karen Shimakawa (New York University, USA) – Being Aside: Performative Discomfort
Tony McCaffrey (Univ. of Canterbury, Nouvelle-Zélande) – How are we supposed to respond?: The presence of performers perceived to have intellectual disabilities interrogating ethics and spectatorship in contemporary performance
Chris Goto-Jones (Leiden University, Pays-Bas) – From Burden to Blaine: The Way of Endurance as Performance Philosophy

Plenary Lecture
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Alphonso Lingis (Pennsylvania State University)
« Irrevocable Loss »
Chair: Marc Amfreville (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Respondent: Liza Kharoubi (Université d’Avignon, France)

Plenary Lecture
Saturday, June 28th – Amphitheater Richelieu (Sorbonne University)
Alphonso Lingis (Pennsylvania State University)
« Irrevocable Loss »
Chair: Marc Amfreville (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Respondent: Liza Kharoubi (Université d’Avignon, France)