Audios : Théâtre, Performance, Philosophie (TPP 2014)

Retrouvez ici les enregistrements audio des différentes interventions qui ont eu lieu lors du colloque Théâtre, Performance, Philosophie (TPP 2014) les 26, 27 et 28 juin 2014 à la Sorbonne.


Ethics and Aesthetics

Rebecca M. Groves (Stanford University, USA) – By Virtue of Performance: Rethinking the Values of Aesthetic Judgment through the Ethics of Care

Why do performances matter as works of art? How do we find one-off encounters with live art meaningful in and beyond the present moment of the aesthetic event?…

Dana LaCourse Munteanu (Ohio State University, USA) – Toward an Aesthetic Discursive Approach to Ethical Matters

Could we move from a theoretical examination of the aesthetic to an ethical approach to the problems of the world?…

Sam Kolodezh (Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, San Diego, USA) – Moving Ethically and Performing Positive Affirmation

In this paper, I argue that performance is ethical multiplicity—ethical because performance is articulable and multiplicity because it is always becomings as and alongside affect…

Performance Studies and the Mythological Remains of Mimesis

Kélina Gotman (King’s College, London, UK) – Ek-static Historical Experience: Herder, history, artefactuality

This paper will address the problem of a performance history of philosophy, grounded in the mythopoetic contemplation of the ‘past’ and its lost events…

Anna Kawalec (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland) – Metamimesis as coknowing and co-making

Metamimesis is realized in recent art – accordingly, to different degree – as a technique of artistic actions (poiesis) and the theoretical category (theoria), the synthesis or hybrid combination thereof…

Fabrizio Deriu (University of Teramo, Italy) – Mimesis Restored: Can Performance Studies Offer a New Epistemological Perspective for the Humanities?

Without ignoring the pressure to rethink what “knowledge” is from the point of view of the epistemic changes brought on by digital technologies, it is my opinion that we are now going to revalorize mímesis – in a pre-Platonic sense – as a fundamental way of knowing…

Théâtres performatifs

Gabrielle Girot (ENS Lyon/Université Paris-Sorbonne nouvelle) – « The performative turn » à l’épreuve du théâtre français actuel

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Cette communication aura pour but d’analyser la façon dont Erika Fischer-Lichte lit la philosophie nord-américaine de la performativité et de la performance pour ensuite étudier les échos que nous pouvons trouver à cette lecture dans le théâtre français actuels…

Thomas Morisset (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris) – Rythme et présence dans un espace théâtral numérique

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Comment faire pour que les corps des avatars, rigides, de pixels, puissent véhiculer eux aussi ce sentiment de présence qui marque les performances réalisées avec nos corps physiques ?…

Marie Vandenbussche-Cont (Université Paris Sorbonne nouvelle) – Pensée et praxis de l’« avec » dans le théâtre performatif de Nature Theater of Oklahoma : l’exemple de No Dice

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En exposant, intellectuellement et surtout concrètement, acteurs et spectateurs à la « transimmanence » de l’ « être-avec », le spectacle semble répondre, en acte, à l’exigence nancéenne de « faire monde »…

La performance comme outil d’intelligibilité du monde

Nicolas Fourgeaud (Haute École des Arts du Rhin, Strasbourg) – Performance in Postmodern Culture, Milwaukee, 1977 : un colloque aux échos très contemporains.

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Le colloque américain de Milwaukee Performance in Postmodern Culture (1977, organisé par Michel Benamou) constitue un moment décisif dans la construction de la notion contemporaine de performance…

Sara Baranzoni (Univ. de Bologne, Italie) – Aux marges de la performativité : allers-retours entre la philosophie anglo-américaine et la philosophie française.

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Aujourd’hui, les Performing arts se nourrissent doublement de la philosophie anglo-américaine et de la philosophie française afin de questionner ses possibilités expressives et le concept même de performance, entendu comme puissance de création…

Simon Lanher (ENS/Lyon 3) – Performance, représentation et paradigme théâtral dans la sociologie goffmanienne. De la métaphore dramaturgique au concept sociologique, ou : ce que la métaphore théâtrale permet de penser en sociologie

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Qu’est-ce que la métaphore théâtrale peut apporter à notre compréhension du monde social, et plus particulièrement du caractère « performé » des relations sociales ?…

Theater, Performance, Philosophy: A Dubious Encounter ?

James Corby (University of Malta) – The Contemporary Quarrel between Performance and Literature: Reflections on the Development of Performance Philosophy

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From one perspective, Performance Philosophy might be viewed as the Anglo-American parallel of the rapprochement between philosophy and performance offered by the 60s and 70s wave of French theory…

Ramona Mosse (Freie Universität Berlin, Allemagne) – Slain by the Theatre: Philosophical Encounters with Metatheatrical Corpses

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My paper traces metatheatrical acts of doubling from Shakespeare to René Pollesch in order to recontextualize dramatic theatre’s potential for philosophical inquiry beyond mere self-reflexivity and subjectivity…

Yelena Gluzman (University of California, San Diego, USA) – What-There-Is: Theater as Method, Theory as Theater

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Even as performativity is invoked to counter impasses in philosophy, queer studies, science and technology studies, history, and literary theory, theorists are quick to differentiate between processualperformativity and representationalist theater…

Digital Performance and the Posthuman

Aneta Stojnic (Ghent University, Belgique) – Setting the Stage for the Post-human Performer

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This paper responds to the political and ethical focus of the conference addressed through the question of digital identities and analysis of changes that digital technologies brought in contemporary understanding of the body…

Natasha Lushetich (University of Exeter, UK) – Performative Disciplinarity in Alternate Reality: From Foucault to McKenzie and Beyond

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For Foucault, discipline was a subtle form of power that coerced the body in order to control its movements, attitudes and moods…

Kristof van Baarle (Ghent University, Belgique) – The Coming Singularity of Posthumanism

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Posthumanist theorists since the late eighties have tried to redefine man in this late capitalist age of proliferation of technological tools, objects and networks…


Politiques du corps

Pierre Zaoui (Université Paris-Diderot) – Le théâtre et la danse américaines face au sida : l’étrange fantôme de Foucault

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Comment le sida a obligé, notamment dans les années 1990, à reconfigurer de fond en comble les pensées minoritaires en danse et en philosophie ? …

Biologies of Performance: Practice and Plasticity

Katrina Schaag (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) – Biological Plasticity and Performative Possibility

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Recent developments in neuroscience carry revolutionary implications for our understanding of subjectivity, confirming and nuancing postmodern theories of being as a continuous process of becoming, the self as always-already in flux…

Politics of Performance

Luis Guerra (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Espagne) – Anarchistory of Performance, a heresy in action. Performance-lecture on the Art of not being governed

My proposal consists in a performance-lecture conformed by a sequence of reenactments that will compose an Anarchistory of Performance…

Ryan Tracy (New York, USA) – Radical Democracy, Activism and the Specter of Theater, or, a Theatrical Haunting of Judith Butler

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Judith Butler’s early work often performs a philosophical reflection on the nature of theatricality and the language of activism…

Iman Ganji (Free University, Berlin, Allemagne) – From Exodus to Creativity: The Performative War Machines of Alterglobalization Movements

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Through the first cycle of global resistance movement, the alterglobalization movement (1994-2003), a hot pot of social experimentation took shape. During this long decade, new forms of struggle and political subjectifications emerged and led to a performative turn in radical politics…

Atelier Pratique

Nicolas Rollet (Université Paris-Sorbonne nouvelle/Encyclopédie de la parole, MonEX)

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How to do things with hearing : qu’est-ce qu’on écoute ? Catégoriser les pratiques verbales avec Garfinkel, Goffman, Goodwin, Hymes, Lerner, Sacks. Une séance d’écoute proposée par Nicolas Rollet…

La performance comme terrain d’expérimentation des identités

Eliane Beaufils (Université Paris 8) – Before your very eyes et Rhythm Conference feat. Inner Splits : réflexions performatives de l’identité performative

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Dans Before your very eyes, le collectif Gob Squad fait passer des enfants par tous les stades de leur vie future. Au croisement du jeu spontané et des consignes données par les adultes du collectif, les enfants s’inventent donc leur vie…

Olivier Lussac (Université de Lorraine), Isabelle Barbéris (Université Paris-Diderot) – L’idée de « liminalité » dans la dramaturgie et la performance

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Il s’agit de montrer que la dramaturgie et la performance sont des pratiques de l’émancipation qui ne font pas l’économie d’une référence et d’une réflexion identitaire, d’un sujet porteur de processus de reconnaissances culturelles vers une dimension expérimentale dans laquelle se construit ce que Homi Bhabha nomme les « terrains d’élaboration des stratégies du soi »…

Gender Constructions on Stage

Nina Kane (Univ. of Huddersfield, UK) – Giving Birth to “a Third World as Work in Common and Space-Time to be Shared”: The Importance of Irigaray and Butler to Staging Kane’s Cleansed

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The paper draws on dramaturgical enquiry into Sarah Kane’s 1998 play Cleansed, carried out in a university studio space and a public gallery setting. The enquiry applied the philosophies of Luce Irigaray and Judith Butler, positing Cleansed as a theatrical meditation on gender…

Pascale Sardin (Bordeaux Univ., France) – Performing Violence in Sarah Kane’s Blasted (1995) and Polly Stenham’s That Face (2007): On the Precarity of Sociality

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This paper aims at exploring the issues of representing and performing violence in two contemporary British plays in the light of Judith Butler’s recent work on war, vulnerability and an ethics of non-violence…

Julia Jarcho (NYU, USA) – Boring Myself to Death: The thanatotic theater of Hedda Gabbler

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In No Future, Lee Edelman has theorized queerness through the figure of the “sinthomosexual,” one who rejects the imperatives of sexual and societal reproduction and openly wields the negativity of the death drive…

Contemporary Perspectives on Ancient Prejudices

Andrés F. Henao Castro (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) – Who Are the Puppeteers?: The Current Philosophical Conflict over Plato’s Work in Stage

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Since Greek Antiquity, the encounter between philosophy and theatre has been marked by disagreement. In such contentious space another term emerges: politics…

Tony Fisher (Univ. London) – The Discourse on Theatre – Plato, Foucault and a Critical History of the Stage

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In The Drama of Ideas, Martin Puchner makes the case for re-evaluating the role that Plato plays in the formation of the modern European stage, proclaiming: ‘Plato must be rescued from the friends and enemies of the theatre alike’…

Paul Monaghan (Univ. Melbourne)– Aristotle’s Philosophical Reframing of Greek Tragedy: A New Interpretation of an Old Misunderstanding

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Aristotle’s philosophical reframing of Greek tragedy has dominated Western literary and theatrical theory for centuries…


De Jacques Derrida à Avital Ronell

Stéphane Hervé (Académie de Lille) – Performance et défaut de présence : le théâtre de la mise à l’épreuve

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En se présentant comme le lieu d’une mise à l’épreuve d’une idée, de corps ou d’agencements collectifs, en empruntant à la sphère scientifique et juridique plus ou moins littéralement ses protocoles, la scène contemporaine semble être gagnée par cette passion de l’épreuve, dont parle Ronell dans Test drive…

Magdalena Marciniak (EHESS, Paris) – La pensée de Derrida dans le questionnement théorique anglo-américain sur le théâtre et la performance

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Si l’on observe attentivement les sources témoignant de l’intérêt des grands représentants du poststructuralisme pour le théâtre, on constate que les travaux de Jacques Derrida ont radicalement transformés le questionnement théorique anglo-américain sur le théâtre et la performance…

Flore Garcin-Marrou (Université Paris-Sorbonne) – Comment Avital Ronell performe-t-elle la pensée ?

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Il s’agit de mesurer à quel point la pensée gagne à être dramatisée, incarnée, parlée et de proposer une définition de la philo-performance, en tant qu’outil expressif de la philosophie…

Atelier Pratique

Fabrizio Terranova (Ecole de Recherche Graphique, Bruxelles) et Aline Wiame (Université Libre de Bruxelles/Penn State)

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Narration spéculative et worlding : expérimentation, forces propositionnelles et performance avec Donna Haraway. La narration spéculative est la fabrication de récits qui s’articulent à partir de forces propositionnelles pour penser aux bords du gouffre…

Samuel Weber Panel

Mark Robson (University of Dundee, Ecosse) – Singularity, Theatricality, Iterability (On Samuel Weber)

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This paper will address the thinking of Samuel Weber – most obviously in his book Theatricality as Medium, but also in more recent work – in order to open up some questions around the notion of theatre as « singular » or as « event »…

Bara Kolenc (University of Lubljana, Slovénie) – On Repetition and Theatricality: A Dialogue with Samuel Weber’s Thought (Through Kierkegaard, Freud, Lacan, Deleuze)

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Through Kierkegaard’s concept of Gjentagelse, I will delineate the concept of productive repetition and show its fundamental connection to theatricality…

Mischa Twitchin (Goldsmiths College, Univ. of London, UK) – (Un)Timely: Thoughts on Death and War [film project made with S. Weber]

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The uses of electricity in the porous relation between therapy and torture have been widely documented, a relation in which the mind (as, indeed, memory) is treated as a muscle. In this context, resistance to the demands of the state in times of war has often been understood through categories of « performance »…

Théâtres et pragmatisme

Rachel Rajalu (Université Rennes 2) – Épreuves esthétiques du théâtre. Sur les pas de Richard Shusterman

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En quoi l’expérience du théâtre constitue une autre de ces ‘conduites’ qui participe de la conquête de sa propre vie et du monde qui nous entoure en leur attribuant un style personnel et parfois collectif tout en permettant l’ouverture à des modes d’existences pluriels ?…

Bérénice Hamidi-Kim (Université Lyon 2) – Ce que le tournant pragmatique fait à nos façons de penser le théâtre en France

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Une mise en perspective du pragmatisme américain avec le pragmatisme français (Boltanski, Thévenot) et les scènes contemporaines…

New Modes of Performance

Eric Morrill (Berlin, Allemagne) – Performance, Participation, Collaboration: Reenactments and changes in regulative ideas

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Reenactments of 1960s performances doubly testify to current beliefs, by identifying certain performances as worth preserving, and by actualizing them in line with current ideas about what performance constitutes…

Ben Hjorth (Monash University, Melbourne, Australie) – ‘HEGEL SAYS’: Ventriloquizing the word (of) ‘HIM’ with Anne Carson’s Antigonick

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Anne Carson’s recent ‘translation’ of Sophokles Ancient tragedy – enigmatically retitled Antigonick (Carson 2012) – can be read as a contemporary feminist coup de théâtre, and constitutes an important case study in the emergent field of Performance Philosophy…

Magnolia Pauker (European Graduate School, Switzerland/ University of British Columbia, Canada) – The Art of the Interview: Towards a Queer Performance of Philosophy

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As a mode of address that is essentially responsive, the interlocutory scene of interview offers a frame—indeed a stage—through which the corporeal dynamics of relatedness as a commitment to futurity may emerge…

Cross-Cultural Performances: Genre et Media Transfers

Serap Erincin (Univ. of South Florida/London) – Mediatized Senses: Phenomenologies of the Post-Human Performer

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How do these feminist interventions help us reimagine the primacy of perception and repetition in live performances by artists who abundantly use digital technologies such as The Wooster Group? How do new findings in the cognitive sciences shape artistic works and their critiques?…

Claudia Marín Inclàn (Univ. de Valéncia, Espagne) – Anglo-American thought’s domination in the new media play: Analysis of the Skype Duet, Harket [Protocolo] and 9 días de Guerra en Facebook

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While globalization has blurred the cultural differences through the mass media, we can note on hybrid between art-technology the dominance of the Anglo-American thought…

Timothy Murray (Cornell Univ.) – Staging the Archival Baroque: Ben Rubin and Elevator Repair Service Bridge Philosophy and Performance

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I propose a paper that reflects on theories of the subject in relation to recent philosophical emphases on the baroque and the archive – the subject of my book in progress, The Archival Event @ New Media Art…

Qu’est-ce que la philo-performance ?

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Table-ronde et débat composé par Flore Garcin-Marrou, Charlotte Hess, Camille Louis. Avec Amalia Boyer, Flore Garcin-Marrou, Charlotte Hess, Maria Kakogianni, Liza Kharoubi, Camille Louis, Marielle Pélisséro, Nadia Vadori-Gauthier…

Gender Crossings and Queer Performances

Bryan Hogan (Queen’s Univ. Belfast, Irlande) – “Gender Discombobulation”: Articulating the Phobia in Homophobia

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On January 11th 2014, Rory O’Neill aka Panti Bliss (Ireland’s premier drag queen) appeared on The Saturday Night Show, a talk show for the national broadcaster RTE, where he identified opinion columnists and Catholic lobby groups as homophobic…

John S. Bak (Univ. de Lorraine, France) – « The Broken Devil » of Comox Street: Daniel MacIvor, Tennessee Williams and Canadian Biodrama.

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This talk is about crossings and transfers from many perspectives. Crossing borders, certainly, between the theatre worlds of New York and Vancouver; transferring eras, as well, between 1980 when the event took place to 2007 when MacIvor’s play premiered…

Thanks to all participants!

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